Every year we have some kind of contest to keep our customers on their toes.  Because I believe that an educated customer is almost as good as a customer that pays on time, these contests revolve around testing your knowledge of contract screen printing.  We have just over a week until the big McCreary's party this year. 


This is how it will work this year:

1. We will post several questions on our blog  that should be common knowledge in the Info Screen Printing contract  world.

2. Various questions will be randomly posted on our blog for about 24 hours each, then removed without warning.

3. It is an open book test so use whatever means necessary to find the correct answers.

4. Find us at the McCreary's Party and check your answers with one of us.

5. The customer with the most correct answers wins.

Prizes are as follows:

    1st Place $150 in future printing

    2nd Place $125 in future printing

    3rd Place $100 in future printing

    4th Place $75 in future printing

    5th place $50 in future printing

    6th place $25 in future printing

In the event of a tie, whoever gets to us first will win.

As an added bonus we have another chance for people to win something. For those of you who don't know, Henry is a human PMS Book. If you can stump him on an actual PMS color you will win $10.00 in future printing.  Keep in mind Henry will not have a PMS book with him. Make sure you bring yours to prove him wrong. Each person gets only one chance, so make it a good one.

Eric Gibby

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